Before you can publish an import project, there are two checks that must be done manually. The first is that of the stray. If you have not selected Addresses, you can skip to Correct errors
Vial conversion
Street names should not be imported as they come from Cadastre. They violate OSM rules (they are in capital letters, without accents and with other problems). CatAtom2Osm helps to correct them by automatically matching the name of each road in Cadastre with the most similar and closest name in OSM. If it does not find a match it performs a preliminary transformation as a suggestion of what the correct name should be. In any case, it is necessary to review the process manually.
The review is done using this table. In the left column the Name in Cadastre of the vial is shown, in the right column the proposed Conversion.

When you click on a row, a map appears that shows the existing Cadastre portals on that street and the existing roads in OSM. Click on the portals to access the Cadastro facade photos. Placing the mouse over a vial displays the name in OSM.

You can use the layer selector to switch between the OSM map and the IGN-Base map that shows the Cartociudad street map, or to deactivate the Portals or Roads layers if they do not allow you to see the map well.
Following the Cadastre portals, look for which OSM vial they correspond to.
If the street has a name in OSM, it is correctly written, it is the same as the proposed conversion and it corresponds to the name that appears in the Cadastre, you can validate the conversion using the button
The rows of the reviewed streets are shown with a different color for each user who has made the review. You can also check it by hovering your mouse over the street name edit box. Different users can collaborate to complete the review.
If the street does not have a name in OSM, or if it has one but it is not the same as the proposed conversion, look for the correct name using field review or the different available sources (Cartociudad, facade photos, Mapillary, KartaView).

When you have the correct name edit the conversion in the table and/or the path name in OSM as necessary. To access and edit the map, in the map header there is a link to the OSM website.
Edits to the map resulting from this phase must be made with the regular OSM user account, not with dedicated import accounts. It is advisable to label them with #1calle1nombre and the name of the municipality in the comment of the set of changes.
If a street is shown with different colors along its layout, it is because it is made up of different roads in OSM and the name does not match. You have to edit the map, see which one is correct and put it in all the sections. In this example, the name in a section is missing an accent.

When the program does not find a path in OSM to match the names with, it will apply corrections to the name in Cadastre to suggest it as a conversion. Monitor the conversion of road type abbreviations. There are some that have several possible values that are shown separated by a bar. These are the cases of AL (Aldea/Alameda), CJ (Calleja/Callejón) or CR (Carretera/Carrera), for example. If you use them, check that only the correct type of track remains or none, as the case may be.
Some Cadastre addresses may refer to places instead of roads, for example to neighborhoods, urbanizations, hamlets.
Checks if the name is mapped in OSM or can be added.
Note that the program maps addresses to the tag addr:place=*
instead of addr:street=*
when the name begins with place references.
For a complete list see the annex.
Some Cadastre road names may not be suitable for import into OSM. For example, we can find administrative references such as 'MANZANA A SECTOR 4' that do not correspond to real road names. If you decide not to import addresses for a road name, leave the conversion blank using the Delete button
To restore the conversion to its original value use the button
When the street map review is complete, the user who started the process can continue to the next step using the button
Annex: Acronyms for road type
ABREV. ESPAÑOL CATALÁ GALEGO AG Agregado* Agregat* Engadido* AL Aldea*/Alameda Llogaret* Aldea*/Alameda AR Área*/Arrabal Àrea*/Raval Área*/Arrabalde AU Autopista Autopista Autoestrada AV Avenida Avinguda Avenida AY Arroyo Rierol Regato BJ Bajada Baixada Baixada BO Barrio* Barri* Barrio* BR Barranco* Barranc* Cavorco* CA Cañada* Camí ramader* Canella* CG Colegio*/Cigarral* Col·legi*/Cigarral* Colexio*/Cigarreiro* CH Chalet* Xalet* Chalet* CI Cinturón Cinturó/Ronda Cinto CJ Calleja/Callejón Carreró Calexa/Quella/Ruela CL Calle Carrer Rúa CM Camino/Carmen Camí Camiño/Carme CN Colonia Colònia Colonia CO Concejo*/Colegio Ajuntament*/Col·legi Concello*/Colexio CP Campa*/Campo* Camp* Campeira*/Campo* CR Carretera/Carrera Carretera Estrada/Carreiro CS Caserío* Mas* Caserío* CT Cuesta/Costanilla Costa/Rost Costa/Pendente CU Conjunto* Conjunt* Conxunto* CY Caleya Carreró Caleya DE Detrás Darrere Detrás DP Diputación* Diputació* Deputación* DS*** Diseminados Disseminats Espallado ED Edificios* Edificis* Edificios* EM*** Extramuros Extramurs/Raval Extramuros EN Entrada*/Ensanche* Entrada*/Eixample* Entrada*/Ensanche* ER Extrarradio* Extraradi*/Raval Arrabalde* ES Escalinata Escalinata Escalinata EX Explanada Pla Chaira FC Ferrocarril/Finca* Ferrocarril Ferrocarril/Finca* FN Finca* Finca* Finca* GL Glorieta Rotonda/Plaça Glorieta GR Grupo* Grup* Grupo* GV Gran Vía Gran Via Gran Vía HT Huerta*/Huerto* Hort* Horta*/Horto* JR Jardines* Jardins* Xardíns* LD Lado/Ladera Marge/Vessant Costado/Ladeira LG Lugar** Lloc** Lugar** MC Mercado* Mercat* Mercado* ML Muelle* Moll* Peirao* MN Município* Municipi* Concello* MS Masías* Masies* Masías* MT Monte* Muntanya* Monte* MZ Manzana* Illa* Mazá* PB Poblado* Poblat* Poboado* PD Partida* Partida* Partida* PJ Pasaje/Pasadizo Passatge Pasaxe/Pasadizo PL Polígono* Polígon* Polígono* PM Páramo* Erm* Páramo* PQ Parroquia*/Parque Parròquia*/Parc Parroquia*/Parque PR Prolongación/Continuación Prolongació/Continuació Prolonga/Continuación PS Paseo Passeig Paseo PT Puente Pont Ponte PZ Plaza Plaça Praza QT Quinta Quinta Quinta RB Rambla Rambla Rambla RC Rincón/Rincona Racó Recuncho/Cornecho RD Ronda Ronda Rolda RM Ramal Branc Ramal RP Rampa Rampa Rampla RR Riera Riera Riera RU Rúa Rua Rúa SA Salida Sortida Saída SD Senda Sender Sendeiro SL Solar* Solar* Soar* SN Salón Saló Salón SU Subida Pujada Costa TN Terrenos* Terrenys* Terreos* TO Torrente Torrent Torrente TR Travesía/Transversal Travessera Travesía/Transversal UR Urbanización* Urbanització* Urbanización* VR Vereda Sendera Carreiro/Verea AC Acceso Accès Acceso AD Aldea Llogaret Aldea BV Bulevar* Bulevard* Bulevar* CZ Calzada Calçada Calzada PA Paralela Paral·lel Paralela PC Placeta/Plaça Placeta/plaça Prazola PG Polígono Polígon Polígono PO Polígono Polígon Polígono SB Subida Pujada Costa SC Sector* Sector* Sector* CALLEJON Callejón Carreró Quella/Ruela CANTON Cantón Cantó Cantón CIRCUNVALACION Circunvalación Circumval·lació Circunvalación GENERICA Genérica Genérica Xenérica JARDIN Jardín* Jardí* Xardín* MALECON Malecón Malecón Dique RINCON Rincón Racó Recuncho PROLONGACION Prolongación Prolongació Prolonga TRANSITO Tránsito Trànsit Tránsito TRAVESIA Travesía Travessera Travesía VIA Vía Via Vía
*) Applies to addr:place
instead of addr:street
**) Applies to addr:place
and removes the "Place" prefix in the conversion
***) The addresses of these types are removed.