Project Management

Correct errors

In this phase, the data conversion is already completed. Each import unit (or tasks) have been created. However, before you can publish the import project, you must review the problems that the program has detected and marked in the buildings using fixme=* tags.

The review is done using this list. Each row contains the link to the file of a problem task and the number of fixmes it contains.

Download the file to your computer and open it with JOSM. Do a search for the text 'fixme' to locate items that have that tag. Read the message of the detected problem and look for its description on this page. Remove the fixme tag and if necessary correct the indicated problem. To resolve the issue, consult the background aerial image, facade photos, and other approved image sources such as Mapillary or KartaView.

Do not upload task files to OSM. When the problems are corrected and there are no fixme tags left, save it to your computer and upload it to CatAtom2OSM. You can drag the files to the panel or use the buttons.

The rows of the reviewed files are displayed with a different color for each user who made the review. You can also check it by hovering your mouse over the download link. Different users can collaborate to complete the review.

The 'fixmes' are designed to correct them before publishing the project. Its number must be reduced to 0 to be able to do so. This is the list of possible problems to solve:

Too large area

Building with too large area. If it doesn't correspond to a real building, delete it.

Area too small

Building with too small area. If it doesn't correspond to a real building, delete it.

This part is bigger than your building

It means that a part of a building is outside its boundary. Solve it by enlarging the outline of the building or cutting out the part as appropriate.

GEOS Validation

The geometry has not passed the validation tests of the GEOS library. In this example, an interior part of a multipolygon is touching the exterior edge of the multipolygon. It can be solved by removing the multipolygon relationship and placing the height labels on each part separately.

OSM building with id %s is invalid

A building with invalid geometry has been found in OSM. In this case the problem is not in the Cadastre data but in the OSM data. Check that the Cadastre building overlaps the OSM building and that it will be replaced (combination) when the import is made. In that case no action is necessary other than removing the 'fixme' tag. If the building is not going to be replaced with the Cadastre data when importing, this must be corrected in OSM.


If you make a mistake, you can always restore the original task file using the Undo button


When the review of all files is complete, the user who started the process can continue to the next step using the button


Annex: nomenclature of subplots

          -I,-II ...... Volúmenes bajo rasante (1, 2 alturas)
          I, II ....... Volúmenes sobre rasante (1, 2 alturas)
          B ........... Balcón
          T ........... Tribuna (balcón techado)
          TZA ......... Terraza
          POR ......... Porche
          SOP ......... Soportal
          PJE ......... Pasaje
          MAR ......... Marquesina
          P ........... Patio
          CO .......... Cobertizo
          EPT ......... Entreplanta
          SS .......... Semisótano
          ALT ......... Altillo
          PI .......... Piscina
          TEN ......... Pista de tenis
          ETQ ......... Estanque
          ZBE ......... Estanque o balsa que se valora
          SILO ........ Silo
          SUELO ....... Solares o parcelas con suelo vacante
          PRG ......... Pérgola
          DEP ......... Depósito
          ESC ......... Escalera
          TRF ......... Transformador
          JD .......... Jardín
          YJD ......... Jardín que se valora
          FUT ......... Campo de fútbol
          VOL ......... Voladizo
          ZD .......... Zona Deportiva
          RUINA ....... Ruinas
          CONS ........ En construcción
          ZPAV ........ Obras de urbanización interior

According to FICCcodigosUnificado07.pdf